With land valuations increasing in some areas by 92% since the last valuation, State Member for Scenic Rim, Jon Krause, has heard the concerns of some residents about land tax and other charges tied to valuations going up.
“Increases in valuations can create worries about increases to the cost of living. People are especially worried that if valuations go up, rates may increase.”
“Any increases in valuations does not mean an automatic increase in rates – valuations are just part of the mix when local governments determine rates. How that mix is worked out is part of the local government decision making process.”
“I know the frustrations of locals who have seen massive increases in valuations of their properties by the State’s Valuer-General. There have been significant increases for properties in all three council areas in the Scenic Rim Electorate with some areas increasing by over 90%.”
The new land valuations come into effect on 30 June 2023 and are issued after consideration of the property market, the trends and sales of each locality, zoning and physical features of the land.
Mr Krause said that it was up to individual landholders to appeal against the increases. Under the legislation governing the valuation process, no joint or group appeals are permitted, and unfortunately there is also no process to lobby the Valuer-General to reconsider valuations for an entire area or locality.
The 60 day objection period for the 2023 land valuations closes on 16 May 2023.
“I encourage property owners to appeal the decision as individual landowners if they disagree with the decision. My office can provide information about how to make and submit an appeal and have helped numerous residents in the past.”
Contact Jon’s office by email at scenicrim@parliament.qld.gov.au or free-call 1800 813 960.